This is summary of over 100 specific anti-aging strategies that took over a decade to compile.
Every strategy is based on scientific research backed by years of clinical experience.
They are grouped according to the five pillars of anti-aging medicine: Diet, Exercise,
Hormonal Enhancement, Nutritional Supplementation, and Stress Reduction.
Those new to this should read this daily for the first 21 days. A thorough understanding of each
strategy is critical before embarking on the journey. Do not adapt any strategy unless you know
the reason and the consequences. Certain strategies are uniquely suited for you while others may not.
Do what makes sense for you and you alone, as each body is different.
Age spots caused by sun exposure
Do not attempt any quick transformation. Most transformation fails because of too high
an expectation in too limited a time. Go slowly, one step at a time.
Your body has gone through a lifetime of damage.
Recovery and rejuvenation is a process that works best when slow and steady.
The path to anti-aging is a marathon and not a sprint.
Complete fulfillment of these strategies requires significant lifestyle adjustments for most.
No one is expected to adopt 100 percent of the recommended strategies all the time.
A successful execution of the anti-aging strategies takes generally from 1 to 3 years.
Consider yourself doing well if you can follow 25% of the strategies within 90 to 180 days, 50% of
the strategies within 1 to 2 years, and 75% of the strategies within 2 to 3 years. The body is a
miraculous machine. It is very forgiving and does rejuvenate, starting at the cellular level.
Expect to see some results 30 to 90 days after you have embarked on the strategies you have chosen.
Select easy strategies first and slowly work your way into more difficult ones.
Rome was not built in one day. Concentrate on learning, listening, and loving your body and it will
take care of you.
While there is no absolute in life, it should be remembered that the law of averages still
applies in anti-aging.
Most people who smoke don't get lung cancer.
Most people who forget their seat belts don't die in traffic accidents.
Most people who have unprotected sex don't contract AIDS.
Most people who go on diets don't become anorexic.
Most people who are sun worshippers don't get skin cancer.
Nevertheless, those who follow these anti-aging strategies statistically will generally feel:
More energetic
Our life expectancy has already doubled in the past century, from 43 to 76 for those in developed
countries. This is largely due to discovery of antibiotics and successful execution of anti-aging
strategies such as these. They have worked in the past and will continue to work in the future.
Longevity is 70 percent determined by lifestyle and 30 percent related to genetics.
What you can do is to work on the lifestyle-related 70 percent today, since therapeutic modalities
for the other genetically-related 30 percent is still years away from reality.
Do eat more organic vegetables (they taste better and have 3 times more nutrients).
The stronger the color, the better they are.
Do eat kale, spinach, green and red cabbage, broccoli, red and green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce,
cauliflower, zucchini, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, and cucumbers. These are all vegetables grown
above the ground and are high in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber.
Do rinse your vegetables well to eliminate germs.
Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables with cool tap water immediately before eating.
Spin them down well to prolong shelf life.
Don't use soap on them. Scrub firm produce such as melons and cucumbers with a clean produce brush.
Cut away any bruised or damaged areas before eating.
Do squeeze the air out of the bag if you intend to store vegetables. Fresh produce should be
refrigerated within two hours of peeling or cutting.
Do Not
Do not eat iceberg lettuce. It is mostly water, low in fiber and nutrition.
Do not eat underground vegetables such as carrots, yams, and potatoes that are high in
sugar (high glycemic index) that can trigger diabetes. Mashed potatoes are acceptable due to the
addition of fat and milk during the cooking process.
Grains and sugar:
Do Not
Do not take refined sugar. Sugar addition is common and socially acceptable. It reduces your
immune system function. Sugar in your food goes rapidly to your blood. When there is excess sugar
in your blood, your liver may use it to make more triglycerides. This contributes to higher blood
serum triglycerides, cholesterol, promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid storage around
organs and in subcutaneous tissue folds. Overconsumption of sugar is the leading cause of diabetes,
heart attack, and cancer.
Do not take high glycemic index grains such as rice, wheat, and corn. They cause a sugar
spike increase in the blood and contribute to diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
If high glycemic food is combined with protein and fat in a meal (such as pizza), the glycemic index
is lowered, resulting in a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream.
Do not take corn or corn related products such as popcorn (hard to digest and of minimal
nutritive value), chips (high in fat). Corn is not a vegetable but a grain.
Do not take artificial sugar such as aspartame and artificial flavoring such as MSG.
Both contain chemicals that produce well documented damage your body.
Do get protein from beans and legumes - make sure beans are well soaked for 48-72 hours
to help digestion and cooked thoroughly in a crock-pot for at least 8 hour to break down harmful toxins.
Do get protein from raw seeds such as sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and flax. The amount
should be limited because these are also high in fat.
Do get protein in limited amount from raw nuts such as Brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds.
The amount should be limited because these are also high in fat.
Do get protein from organic egg that comes from organic-fed free-range chicken.
Egg whites are one of the best and cheapest sources of protein.
Do get protein from cold and deep water fish such as salmon and tuna. Avoid fish from costal
waters that are easily contaminated with toxins such as mercury.
Do get protein from lean animal meats. Lean meat from grass-fed cattle rather than commercially raised
grain-fed cattle is preferred.
Do Not
Do not get protein from scavengers such as pork, ham, most bacon, shellfish, shrimp, lobster,
crabs, and clams. They are often contaminated.
Do not get protein from processed, cured, smoked, or dried meats, such as bacon, sausage,
ham, hot dogs, or luncheon meats.
Do not get protein from peanuts. Its is high in fat and often allergenic.
Do not get protein from soy unless it is fermented into products such as tempeh or miso.
Don't get protein from diary products including milk and cheese. Pasteurization is the
problem as it destroys the nutrients and changes the structure of many enzymes. Cheese in small
amount is acceptable. Yogurt from pasteurized milk should also be avoided.
Do eat whole fruits high in fiber and low in sugar, but only in moderate amount, such as
blueberry and apple.
Do peel all fruits and vegetables, unless they are to be thoroughly cooked. Wash your
hands afterwards. If you cannot peel them, soak them for fifteen minutes in a solution made
by adding one teaspoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide to two quarts of water and then
rinsing thoroughly with filtered water.
Do Not
Do not eat bananas or watermelon that is high in sugars and limited in fibers.
Fat and Cholesterol
Do eat plenty of deep and cold water fish like tuna and salmon that contains plentiful
supply of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Do take flax seed, raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
Do take butter. Even though a diary product, the amount of milk protein casein is small.
Do Not
Do not be afraid of eggs as a source of cholesterol. Choose organic eggs from organic-fed chickens.
Cholesterol is a needed for healthy body. Moderate consumption of 1-2 eggs per day does not
significantly increase blood cholesterol level if you are in good health. The best way to cook
eggs is to hard-boil them. Organic eggs contain a 1:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Commercial eggs,
on the other hand, contain up to 15:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Commercial eggs are not unhealthy
due to the cholesterol but due to the excessive omega-6.
Do not eat trans-fat. This is the worse kind of fat you can take. Trans-fat is found in
margarine, doughnuts, cookies, pastries, deep-fat fried foods such as French Fries, potato chips,
and imitation cheeses.
Do take pure filtered water only, preferably from reverse osmosis process.
Bottled water is the next best. Take at least 10-12 glasses a day. Your body can process about
one glass per hour. The excess is flushed out of the kidneys. Thirst is a sign of dehydration
in its late stages. Keep a water bottle filled with water wherever you go during the day.
Do take fresh vegetable juice (not fruit juice). A 2-step extraction and press process is the best.
Do store water in glass and not plastic container.
Do drink more water when exercising. Drink up before you work out. Take in about 16 to 20 ounces
of either water or sports drink one to two hours prior to activity. This extra fluid will help
offset sweat losses; any excess will be excreted as urine before you work out. Take in 5 to 12 ounces
of either water or sports drink every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise. If you work out for more
than an hour, choose a sports drink.
Do Not
Do not drink tap water, as it is full of contaminants and chlorine. Stay away from any
drinks containing fluoride. If you have no choice, make sure that the tap water is kept at a
rolling boil for at least five minutes.
Do not drink distilled water, unless for short term detoxification process because it
can lead to de-mineralization with long term use due to its acidic properties.
Do not drink coffee. It is a stimulant and a diuretic. Heavy coffee drinkers should
taper off slowly. One cup a day is acceptable.
Do not drink fruit juice, especially those that have a high concentration of sugar.
Each glass of juice can contain up to eight teaspoons of sugar. Take fiber-filled whole fruit in
moderate quantity as an alternative.
Do not drink tea, including red, black, and green tea. Tea is a stimulant. Green tea contains
antioxidants, but fruits and vegetables are better source. It also contains fluoride. Herb tea
is acceptable as it is not really tea but herb that come in a tea bag.
Do not take soda pop. It is full of sugar and empty nutrition. Aluminum from can is toxic.
Do not take milk - not needed for adults, specially skim milk. Milk protein casein is the culprit,
aside from the fact that milk is highly allergenic.
Do not over drink wine and alcohol. Drinking too much wine, or any alcoholic beverage,
has a definite down side. Numerous studies suggest that consuming more than two drinks a
day over the long term can raise blood pressure in some people and increase the risk for stroke
and other diseases.
What, When and How to eat:
Breakfast - full (eggs and vegetable juice is best);
Lunch - moderate;
Dinner- small and early.
Do take a walk immediately after meal to promote circulation.
Eat to 70% full. Maintain a diet of 1500-1800 calories a day if you are sedentary to achieve
a target anti-aging weight at or slightly below your ideal body weight. (men=106 pounds for
first 5 feet in height plus 6 pounds for each addition inch above 5 feet; women=100 pounds for the
first 5 feet plus 5 pounds for each inch above 5 feet)
Eat dessert only at lunch. Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars.
This will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. A few hours later, reactive hypoglycemia may
ensue and you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. Late night snacks high in
sugar also promote the release of cortisol, a pro-aging hormone you can do without.
Chew food thoroughly (20 times each mouthful) before swallowing to aid digestion.
Do not
Do not use a microwave to heat food as it changes the molecular structure of the nutrients.
High frequency electromagnetic waves
cause vibration of food molecules at up to 2.5 billion times per second. Heat created as a result
can destroy the structure of vitamins and enzymes.
Do not take too much water with your food that can dilute the digestive enzymes.
Do not take genetically engineered food. Available only since 1995, there is simply not
enough information on the long-term heath effect. It is hard to conceive that there are no
structural changes to the nutrients that have been genetically modified. The damage may be
insidious, similar to smoking and it might require many decades of ingestion to observe an effect.
The risks are not worthwhile to take.
Do not take irradiated food. From a nutritional perspective, irradiation is like
exposing food to the equivalent of up to 1 billion chest x-rays which depletes vitamins,
often significantly. Especially vulnerable are A, the B-complex, C, E, and beta-carotene.
For instance, irradiation destroys up to 80 percent of the vitamin A in eggs, and about half of
the thiamin in wheat flour. Essential fatty acids can be damaged, as can amino acids. And, beneficial
microorganisms are killed along with the harmful ones. Animals that ate irradiated food: premature
death, fatal internal bleeding, a rare form of cancer, stillbirths and other reproductive problems,
genetic damage, organ malfunctions and nutritional deficiencies, to name a few. Scientists have
little or no idea whether irradiated food is safe for human consumption.
Diet Summary:
Take plenty of green leafy vegetables, moderate amount of lean meat from grass fed cattle,
farm raised poultry and cold-water fish as a source of protein is acceptable. Avoid grains
and underground vegetables such as potato and yam. Organic egg, raw nuts, and seeds are rich
sources of protein. Fat is good, especially from cold water fish that is rich in omega 3 fatty acid.
Stay away from trans-fat such as French Fries and cookies. Take pure filtered water only.
Cook with olive oil (monounsaturated), coconut oil (already saturated), and butter. Eat a big breakfast,
moderate lunch, and early and light dinner. Avoid dessert at night. Chew your food well.
Eat to 70 percent full, and do not use microwave to cook your food.
Do strength training exercise, especially with the large muscle groups (chest, back, and thigh)
at least 3 times a week, 15 minutes each time to increase growth hormone secretion.
Strength training induces the development of additional new muscle cells and more resilient tendons,
ligaments, and muscles. Added strength improves neuromuscular control, which in turn protects you
from injury. Strength training is especially important for the back, since lower-back pain is
often caused by weakness of the abdominal and/or back muscles.
Do cardiovascular exercise every day, 30 minutes total at 80% of maximum heart rate
(maximum heart rate is equal to 220 less your age). Breaking up exercise into short bursts
of activity throughout the day strengthened the heart just as well as one long workout.
You can break down the 20 minutes into two sessions of 10 minutes each. Studies show that
heart disease risk was found to depend more on how many overall calories were burned. Men who
burned 4,400 calories per week through exercise were nearly 40% less likely to develop heart
disease than were men who used up only 1,100 calories per week. This effect held, regardless
of whether the men walked, climbed stairs, or played sports. Don't forget that golf is not
an aerobic sport.
Do flexibility training 5 minutes before and after each exercise session to warm up and
cool down the muscles, ensure smooth join movement, prevent accidents, and maintain good balance.
Do drink extra water when you exercise to avoid dehydration. Sports drinks are acceptable.
Check the label. Your sports drink should provide about 50 to 80 calories per eight-ounce serving
(this translates to 14 g. to 20 g. of carbohydrates per serving.) After you finish an activity,
drink two cups of fluid for every pound lost during your workout.
Do exercise in mid-afternoon. This is the safest time if you have no special preference. Often your
body will tell you when the most comfortable time is. Follow your body rhythm for best results.
Do be consistent in your exercise program. The is the secret of success.
Do create variety in your exercise program. Cross training is any fitness program that
systematically incorporates a variety of activities to promote balanced fitness. Instead of
just running or just swimming or just bicycling or just aerobics classes or just anything,
cross training is participating in several different exercise activities.
Do Not
Do not over-exercise. The human body is not made to sustain the structural damage from a
marathon. It is good for the ego but not for the body. Sustained over-exercising can cause
damage at a rate faster than the body's ability to heal. This will wear you out prematurely.
Not only is there no upside to excessive training but by generating more free radicals than
the body is prepared to scavenge, overtraining actually weakens the immune system and increases
susceptibility to degenerative disease. Consistency is far more important than intensity.
Do not make exercise too complicated. A simple exercise program that can be done anywhere
is the key.
Do not compare yourself with others. Each person is unique and is at a different level of fitness.
Do not try to get fit by being active. You can become more active only by becoming fit.
Nutritional Supplementation
Do take a well-rounded multiple vitamin and mineral formula in optimal anti-aging
dose to prevent oxidative stress. Different vitamins and minerals work on different parts of the cells.
There is no one magic bullet. The body needs about 40 different micronutrients for optimum function.
Do take additional function-specific nutritional supplements for aging conditions such as
memory loss, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar, heart function, immunity, and cancer prevention.
Do take your supplements with meals to enhance absorption.
Do take your supplements every day.
Do take digestive enzymes and probiotics to enhance gastrointestinal health. Active cultures of
Lactobacillus and Acidophilus promote normal flora in the gut.
Do take magnesium. Eighty percent of the adult population is deficient in magnesium even
by RDA standards. Magnesium, together with vitamin C and E, is a critical anti-aging mineral
because it is required in optimal mitochondrial function. 500-1000 mg in divided dose is preferred.
If you have diarrhea,
lower the dose until bowel movements are normal.
Do Not
Do not use supplement as a substitute of good whole foods.
Do not take Iron as part of an anti-aging supplement program unless you are anemic.
Do not take supplements if they smell bad.
Stress Reduction
Do develop a personal stress reduction program uniquely suited to your lifestyle and likes.
The key is to do what is relaxing for you.
Do not compare with others. What works for one person may
not work for another.
Do breathe properly to reduce stresses and tensions of everyday life. Use your diaphragm and
not your chest wall.
Do develop a close circle of trusted friends to share your stress.
Do take things in stride.
Do follow an exercise program. It is by far the best stress reducer.
Do Not
Do not avoid all stress. Some stress is necessary for a happy life.
Do not overeat or oversleep as an escape when faced with stress.
Do not overreact and act emotionally. Take a break when faced with stress you cannot handle.
Hormonal Enhancement
Do strength training of large muscle groups such as chest, back, and thigh three
times a week, 15 minutes each time to enhance endogenous growth hormone release.
Do aerobics exercises 30 minutes each day to enhance endogenous growth hormone release.
Do restrict calorie intake. This has been shown to promote growth hormone release endogenously.
Do consider progesterone replacement and natural hormonal replacement therapy as an alternative
to tradition treatments of menopausal symptoms.
Do consider nutritional supplementation such as vitamin E and evening primrose oil to
modulate hormonal cycle for women. For men, prevention of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy and
delay onset of andropause through vitamins, herbs, and minerals are important.
Do take amino acids like glutamine that act as secretagogues that enhance endogenous
release of growth hormone.
Miscellaneous Strategies
Do use a shower filter to avoid chlorine exposure from tap water during shower
Do keep the kitchen counter clean. Cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and counter tops
should be washed with hot, soapy water and sanitized after coming in contact with fresh
produce or raw meat, poultry, or seafood. Sanitize after use with a solution of one teaspoon
of chlorine bleach in one quart of water. Leave your dishwashing sponge very dry and without
any residue of organic material. Clean the sponge after you wash the dishes, and keep it away
from the cutting board.
Do watch out for toxic molds. Mold toxins (mycotoxins) may suppress the immune system
and cause cancer. Refrigerators are a haven for mold, which loves to grow on bruised fruits
and vegetables. If a hard food that is uncooked becomes moldy, cut and discard the moldy part
and at least one inch of the food in each direction from the site of mold. ("Hard" foods
include apples, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and hard cheese in chunks, garlic cloves,
onions, pears, potatoes, squash and turnips.) If a soft food, juice or cooked leftover becomes
moldy, throw it all away; do not attempt to salvage any of it.
Do listen to your body. It will tell you far in advance what is wrong. Everybody is
unique and different. Accept the fact that it is far more important listen to your body
in addition to listening to your doctor.
Do expose your body to at least 30 minutes of direct or indirect sunlight per day.
Small amounts of daily sunshine on our skin and in our eyes are critical to good health.
Wear sunscreen as needed.
Do avoid electromagnetic fields such as cellular phone, electric blanket, and a home near
electrical plants.
Avoid wearing metals, including jewelry.
Do take drugs only as a last resort. All drugs have side effects.
Avoid antacids and
acid-lowering drugs. The body's first line of defense against intestinal infection is the
acid produced by a healthy stomach. Stomach acid kills most of the bacteria and parasites
that are swallowed along with meals. Strong suppression of stomach acid increases the risk
of intestinal infection. It is also important to avoid unnecessary antibiotics. The second
line of defense against intestinal infection is the normal intestinal bacteria, especially
Lactobacilli residing in the small intestine. Antibiotics decimate Lactobacilli. In so doing,
they increase the risk of subsequent intestinal infection.
Do see your doctor for routine medical checkup and to rid yourself of any toxic metals
like mercury, lead, and arsenic in your body.
Do have daily bowl movement that should be effortless and odorless. Stool should not sink
to the bottom of the bowl.
Do inspect your urine. It should be clear to very light yellow color. Dark color could mean
infection and dehydration, unless you are on B vitamins.
Do sleep in total darkness without night-light to maximize melatonin production.
When light hits the eyes, it disrupts the circadian rhythm of the pineal gland and production
of melatonin and serotonin.
Do replace all silver amalgam dental fillings (actually contain 50% mercury). Avoid ceramic
and porcelain crowns as they have metal in them. Use composites. Avoid toothpaste with fluoride.
Do follow a detoxification program, including regular fasting, skin brushing, colon cleansing,
sauna, and steam bath.
Do pray in time of sickness. Numerous studies have confirmed the power of prayer in
healing with statistical significance. Clinical studies have reported that heart patients who
receive prayer have 50 percent to 100 percent fewer side effects.
Do not
Do not initiate too fast a lifestyle change that can act as a stressor to your body,
especially if lifelong habits have been well established. Give yourself 1 to 2 years to
transition to an anti-aging lifestyle slowly, one step at a time.
Do not stop smoking immediately if you have been smoking for a long time, but do stop
sugar intake. Studies have shown that 65 mg of vitamin C is needed to counteract the free
radical and oxidative stress damage of one cigarette.
Do not use antiperspirants. They are generally full of aluminum, which is a toxic substance
and has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.
Do not use aluminum and stainless steel cookware. Enamel coated metal or glassware is
best as they are inert and will not add toxic metal to the food. Teflon coated cookware is
acceptable provided it is not chipped.
Reprint Permission:
This content may be copied in its full and unabridged form for non-profit education use
provided that all copyright, contact, and creation information is given, and the source clearly
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Written permission is required for any other use.
No doctor-patient relationship is established by your visit or participation in our website.
No claim or opinion on these pages is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any anti-aging program.
About The Author:
Michael Lam, M.D., M.P.H., A.B.A.A.M. is a specialist in Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.
He is currently the Director of Medical Education at the Academy of Anti-Aging Research,
U.S.A. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon State University, and his Doctor
of Medicine degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine, California.
He also holds a Masters of Public Health degree and is Board Certified in
Anti-aging Medicine by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine.
Dr. Lam pioneered the formulation of the three clinical phases of aging as well as the concept
of diagnosis and treatment of sub-clinical age-related degenerative diseases to deter the aging process.
Dr. Lam has published extensively in this field. He is the author of The Five Proven Secrets to
Longevity. He also serves as editor of the Journal of Anti-Aging Research.